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CEC and OPSEU Return to the Table

The Colleges remain committed to negotiating with OPSEU to conclude a collective agreement for academic employees. Yesterday, we asked the OPSEU Union bargaining team to rejoin us at the table in light of the letter from Treasury Board Secretariat affirming our position that Union workload demands, given the 1% wage increase already given, contravene Bill 124.
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CEC Urges OPSEU to Return to Bargaining

Today, March 15, 2022, Treasury Board Secretariat, the government body responsible for enforcing the compensation legislation (Bill 124), provided written confirmation that the OPSEU workload demands are unlawful in the current legislative environment and would be struck down under Bill 124.
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Union Escalation - College Response

The past two years have been really hard for everyone. Every time we thought College life might be returning to normal, the pandemic would worsen, and situations across the globe developed. It is therefore with much regret that we advise that on March 14, the OPSEU academic employees representing full-time and partial-load professors, instructors, librarians, and counsellors have given notice that they refuse to moderate their demands and they will withdraw their services starting a full walk-out strike on Friday, March 18, 2022.
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College Management Response to Ontario Student Association

We are in receipt of the OSA Release expressing concern about whether the semester will be disrupted by a faculty strike or an escalation of work-to-rule such as we see beginning Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022.
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Ontario Colleges Academic Employees Continue Without a Collective Agreement

Of the 66% that voted, 62% voted to reject the employer final offer. This means that 41% of the bargaining unit rejected the offer.
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