
Part-time Support Staff Bargaining Bulletin - CEC Files for Conciliation

January 23, 2025
Bargaining updates

CEC Files for Conciliation


For more than a year, the College Employer Council (CEC), representing the 24 Ontario Public Colleges, and CAAT-PTSS, representing approximately 15,000 part-time support staff, have been in negotiations.

Throughout bargaining, there have been in-depth discussions of the current issues and financial reality facing the College sector, as well as open dialogue on proposals.

Despite the parties meeting on multiple occasions since January 2024, they remain at an impasse. Since September 2024, the CEC has repeatedly requested non-binding mediation to assist the parties in reaching a negotiated conclusion. On the last scheduled day of bargaining, December 18, 2024, the part-time support bargaining team ended negotiations early without explanation or acceptance of mediation.

Students, employees, and the greater College community deserve certainty without the possibility of labour action looming ahead, and it is for that reason that on January 23, 2025, the CEC has filed for conciliation with the part-time support staff bargaining team.

In conciliation, an impartial third-party officer, appointed by the Minister of Labour, with experience in mediation and alternative dispute resolution, assists the parties in reaching an agreement where possible. It is CEC’s sincere hope that this step will lead to a renewal agreement that is fair for everyone involved.


We recognize the essential role part-time staff play in our institutions supporting our students, and we remain committed to ensuring they are fairly compensated by offering wage and vacation pay increases across the board. Additionally, we’ve offered breakthrough provisions on important matters such as sick days and cancelled shift pay for regularly scheduled part-timers, and stronger language on sexual harassment policies and job security.


We remain hopeful that an agreement will be reached with the CAAT-PTSS bargaining team to provide stability for students, employees, and the greater College community. The next step is the Ministry of Labour will appoint a Conciliator and schedule dates for the conciliation process.