Certainty for Advancing Truth & Reconciliation in Uncertain Times
Certainty for Advancing Truth & Reconciliation in Uncertain Times
Management Bargaining Update February 3, 2022
“Reconciliation will be difficult to achieve until Indigenous peoples’ own traditions for uncovering truth and enhancing reconciliation are embraced as an essential part of the ongoing process of truth determination, dispute resolution, and reconciliation. No dialogue about reconciliation can be undertaken without mutual respect as shown through protocols and ceremony.” – Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
There is perhaps no greater collective and individual responsibility than to commit to a meaningful process for Truth and Reconciliation with the Indigenous peoples of Canada.
This responsibility also extends to us in Ontario’s college system and the collective agreement. We must work together to build understanding and true respect with Indigenous colleagues, students and the greater community.
That’s why CEC’s offer proposes that OPSEU and CEC join together in a non-adversarial process to address Truth and Reconciliation. The process CEC has proposed will be Indigenous designed and driven from start to finish.
CEC and OPSEU have agreed to examining Truth and Reconciliation within the Colleges.
However, CEC and OPSEU have different positions on how the work should be done.
OPSEU’s proposal sets the limits and focus of the work and process in advance, before we have the much-needed broad consultation with Indigenous faculty and stakeholders. It also demands that the process be resolved through arbitration which in our view is a colonial-style dispute resolution system.
Let’s do this together.
We believe it’s critical for this work to be Indigenous-led and the process to be Indigenous by design.
The Employer Final Offer acknowledges that Truth and Reconciliation cannot be achieved through arbitration. It can only be achieved by taking the time to listen, collaborate, and come to a shared understanding and plan of action.
I encourage you to support management’s offer so that we can bring the certainty you, your colleagues, your students, and your colleges deserve in these uncertain times.
Ian Wigglesworth
Associate Vice President, Academic, George Brown College
CEC Bargaining Team
P.S. Learn more about management’s offer here