
An offer with zero concessions

February 08, 2022
Employer Final Offer News and Information

An offer with zero concessions

Management Bargaining Update February 8, 2022


The CEC’s focus has been on a collective agreement that will provide certainty in uncertain times for faculty, students, and the college system.

Unfortunately, there has been misleading information on social media saying that a vote in favour of our offer will put previously bargained gains at-risk.

This is simply not the case. The employer final offer does not reduce any existing terms and conditions of employment:

  • Certainty of Pensions: The pension plan is not part of negotiations and is fully secured and funded.
  • Certainty for Full-Time Employment: Full-time faculty did not suffer layoffs throughout the pandemic. There has been consistent growth in the number of full-time faculty across the sector and nothing in our offer changes this. Article 2 remains unchanged.
  • Certainty of Health Benefits: The health benefits plan is secure and is being enhanced with the addition of medical cannabis.
  • Certainty for Maintaining Predictable Hours: No protections in Article 11 have been removed.
  • Certainty of Vacation Time: Full-time faculty will continue to enjoy 43 consecutive vacation days a year and a paid holiday period from December 25 to January 1, inclusive. 

I encourage you to read the offer so that you are not misled.

Please vote yes to support management’s offer so that we can bring the certainty you, your colleagues, your students, and your colleges deserve in these uncertain times.


Dr. Laurie Rancourt

Humber College

CEC Bargaining Team Chair